Comprehensive mapping of the human cytokine gene regulatory network
We are excited to share our latest publication “Comprehensive mapping of the human cytokine gene regulatory network”, a large-scale...

Lab competes as the Zoom Interviewees in the BGSA Halloween Contest!
We lost to the undefeated Bradham lab, but we still had fun!

Prediction of genome-wide effects of single nucleotide variants on transcription factor binding
Sebastian publishes manuscript in Scientific Reports where we predict gain or loss of binding sites for 741 transcription factors (TFs)...

Anna passes MCBB qualifying exam!
Graduate student Anna Berenson successfully defended her written proposal titled “Elucidating the role of heterodimer formation and...

Sam passed her qualifying exam!
Sam presented her oral qualifying exam titled “Identification of transcription factors regulating the expression of proinflammatory...

Devlin publishes undergrad and rotation work! Congrats!
Graduate student Devlin Moyer publishes work performed as an undergraduate in the Padgett lab and as a rotation student in the Segrè lab....

Clarissa is officially a PhD candidate!
Congratulations Clarissa on passing her PhD qualifying examination! She proposed a new project to study how viruses suppress the immune...

Human Virus Transcriptional Regulators
Viral genomes encode transcriptional regulators that alter the expression of viral and host genes. Despite an emerging role in human...

Congratulations Dr. Carrasco Pro!
Sebastian defended his thesis and passed with flying colors!!! Next step nference, congrats on the defense and the new job!

Devlin Moyer joins the lab!
Bioinformatics graduate student Devlin Moyer joins the lab! Welcome Devlin!